31 Pages | Modern
Resource Pool for Marketers All Around the World
My Role
Head of Marketing — Competitor Research, UI/UX Prototyping, Animation Engineering, Web Development, Web Design
MarketingEmbodied plans to launch V2 with multiple new features, meaning that V1 is not on the market right now and will not be in the future.
Timeline & Result
3 Weeks, 5 Star Review
MarketingEmbodied is the most sophisticated resource pool for Marketer's and Salesmen. Starting with biweekly summary-newsletters and ending with complete research papers, MarketingEmbodied has every piece of knowledge a business owner's heart desires.
Matching this style of sophistication, MarketingEmbodied needed a sleek and modern design that represents their Brand values like being future-proof, appreciation for details, and research-proven marketing.
Unfortunately, the project got closed down as the company now concentrates on setting themselves up for the future.